Alvin! Aaron! Chern Wei! Wai Lumn! Liang En! Yong Zi! Adrian! Katrina! Niklas! Jane! Irvin! Chia Ming! Kai Herng! Jaime! Sean! Benjamin! Shir Li! Andrew! Jin Rong! Miao Jing! Soon Huat!

Thursday, 30 November 2006

Mural Painting Photos

Hihi.. hope everyone's been having a great holidays so far...

here are some photos from the mural painting cip, they emailed us already, and i've decided to post them here so as to embellish this event into the historical tapestry of 06s7d forever, as well as to show every1 else what we did! (read jane's earlier post for more info)

Wall of flowers, each flower so different from the rest just like how we are all unique individuals but when we come together as 06S7D, we form a diverse and amazing class.

Presenting: The people who painted the mural. (Not in picture as they left early: Alvin and Yong Zi - erm not sure if i missed out any1 else..)

Close up. On the top right hand corner of the wall you can see some white characters, those are actually "06S7D" with each letter painted by each of the 5 of us remaining at the end!

1 comment:

  1. I look horrible in the second ah pek at coffee shop =S


