Alvin! Aaron! Chern Wei! Wai Lumn! Liang En! Yong Zi! Adrian! Katrina! Niklas! Jane! Irvin! Chia Ming! Kai Herng! Jaime! Sean! Benjamin! Shir Li! Andrew! Jin Rong! Miao Jing! Soon Huat!

Sunday, 30 July 2006

Anvil and Stirrup

Does anyone happen to have a HAMMER (toy one) to bring on monday? For the court case thing. =p

Saturday, 29 July 2006

Ice Cool

Hey everyone! Realised I haven't been contributing actively to the class blog, so let me dedicate my 2nd/3rd post ever on this blog to telling you guys about the Taiwanese guy whos on the immersion programme with me.

He has a really cool name: Ice. One of the first things I said to him was that "oh,你的名子超酷。我朋友也都这样认为。”Hahaha... actually the thing is that "Ice" was his own name. Apparently they had to come up with their own English names for this programme and he decided to call himself "Ice". Other exotic-sounding names in this programme include: Kendall (think Candle) and Only (你就是我的“唯一”).

Today was a really exciting day for me... remember I came to school for LEAPS... but I couldn't concentrate throughout as my mind kept drifting to what would happen in the afternoon when I see him... what would he be like? would our personalities clash? would he be too extroverted for me? or too introverted for me? what should i say to him? where should i bring him? what food does he like?

Oh and the ceremony where we met each other and exchanged gifts was damn nerve-wrecking... its like they call "no. 20 永春高中的甘家豪" and "华侨初级学院的罗凯恒".. and we went on stage to shake hands, hug and exchange presents (in that order), before going down to talk and have tea reception. Oh and the thing was, before the ceremony, the taiwanese were seated at one end of the audi and the Singaporeans were seated at the other end. then someone found out that it was arranged accordingly. ie. if i sit on the 1st row 3rd seat, my buddy would sit on the 1st row 3rd seat on his side as well. So we were all eagerly scanning the audi trying to see who our buddies would be. Then some people waved and etc. Although I knew who he was already I was still damn excited... the same thing happened to a lot of people as well, so there were lots of screw-ups when we went on stage (eg. some forgot to exchange presents, some forgot to bow, some went down the wrong way and so on).

okay i think i'll stop here. going to lau pa sat at 830 tonight to have supper with the rest of the people in this programme. Oh and after that I'm going to bring him to my st john friend's house to stay (my other friend is bringing his buddy too so it shouldnt be too 尴尬吧。。。"

cyA! he'll probably be attending his first lesson on tuesday with us.

And I'll be missing lessons all the way till noon on Monday...

-your assistant assistant CT Rep

Thursday, 27 July 2006

revival of class blog

hey nik and kh, thanks for the laughs!

i have seen the powerbook one before i think. very funny indeed. n00b scammer indeed. more details can be seen here:

what to talk about? scandals? random stuff? i dunno.

let's have a five word story. ok fine i think this is more suited for the class tagboard. so look there pls (:

rules: pls state your name when continuing the story. pls add '...' to the front and back for easy reading. apologies for the missing '...' for my first 5 words!

Tuesday, 25 July 2006


Funny prank thingy..

Tuesday, 4 July 2006


The class t-shirt designs are ready!

Possible colours:
- BlackImage hosted by
by jin_rong

- Navy BlueImage hosted by
by jin_rong

- RedImage hosted by
by jin_rong

- OrangeImage hosted by
by jin_rong

- YellowImage hosted by
by jin_rong

- Pink =PImage hosted by
by jin_rong


Possible front designs (no versions for the back cos i am lazy):
- small logo Image hosted by
by jin_rong

- linesImage hosted by
by jin_rong

- stripesImage hosted by
by jin_rong

CHOOSE by commenting to this post, or drop me a private message!

If you don't choose, don't blame me if a colour that's totally not your choice is printed!


Saturday, 1 July 2006




WHEN: 2.30pm onwards

DO WHAT: Bowl/snooker/pool, cycle, eat (in that order)

Meet at Macs (at Marine Cove) at 2.30pm. For those who dunno how to go there, or want to meet up first...i will be at Payar Lebar MRT control station at 2pm (we'll take 76, 135, 853, or 197).

If you cannot come, pls contact me.


Supermann Lehmann damn pro sia. Heartbreak Argentina. Haiz. Now only got germany and brazil to look forward to.

