Alvin! Aaron! Chern Wei! Wai Lumn! Liang En! Yong Zi! Adrian! Katrina! Niklas! Jane! Irvin! Chia Ming! Kai Herng! Jaime! Sean! Benjamin! Shir Li! Andrew! Jin Rong! Miao Jing! Soon Huat!

Thursday, 4 January 2007

More class outings

Hey all...

lets go for class outing with our juniors after campfire on friday!! haha not really class outing but maybe like go somewhere to EAT and TALK and SING and GAMES like what we did with our seniors last year?

And every1 go for campfire ok? as a class.... and are we wearing sec school uniforms? I think it'd be cool to do so on friday!!! Haha and I can wear my taiwanese sch uniform to let u all see what its like too (cos i think my high sch uniform too small lol)

And we can also go out on Sunday 14 January! To celebrate Jane's birthday and get to know our junior class better? And haha i looking fwd to JTS also :D :D :D

(to the jnrs who will probably be reading this next week, HI!!! WELCOME TO S7D!)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think a lot of us got our old school uniforms left... intact/sizable =p

    And Sunday outing be bad... maybe Saturday? :S


