Alvin! Aaron! Chern Wei! Wai Lumn! Liang En! Yong Zi! Adrian! Katrina! Niklas! Jane! Irvin! Chia Ming! Kai Herng! Jaime! Sean! Benjamin! Shir Li! Andrew! Jin Rong! Miao Jing! Soon Huat!


Thursday, 2 March 2006

Mahjong, Murderer and Makin' Merry

hey ppl,

today was fun eh? An entire afternoon meaningfully wasted away at my house. Haha we should have more of such spontaneous's the spontaneousity of it all that makes such events really memorable. let's have more house visits soon! Next time we must buy drinks, snacks and other planning within 1hr!

I finally learnt how to play murderer! and polar bear! and mafia! (yes i'm v. lag haha)

And more ppl know how to play bridge / mahjong!


Upon reflection, I find that games such as "Mafia" both entertaining and meaningful. Being killed early can be a bonus - it gives you more time to sit back, relax and watch the drama between your own classmates unfold. You get to know who are the streetsmart ppl, the honest ppl, the un-trusting ppl. It's almost similar to watching Survivor a la S7D style!


I'm really looking forward to 2nd orientation. Hopefully we have ppl from other schools joining our class haha.

I guess we should improve our blogskin with photos etc. And perhaps even design our own class T-shirt!

- 06S7D rocks my world! -


  1. yes I agree! Class Tee! And hopefully a nice layout will be ready soon? XD Today was much fun, we should do it more often.

  2. yesyesyesyesyes!! claz tee!!! ^^

  3. woohoo! i really enjoyed myself today despite us being "indessisive" for almost an hour. guess it goes to show that we don't need ex stuff like ahem bowling or pool or kbox to bond well... when's the next holiday??? can't wait. =)

    class teeeeeeee!!!! anyone willing to help design one?? (looks around expectantly. realising that the head that is about to get drained of creative juices is probably the disgusting thing on my own neck.) please??? anyone???

  4. omg class tee! I don't mind helping to design it... Though I don't think I'd think up a nice idea anytime soon...


