Alvin! Aaron! Chern Wei! Wai Lumn! Liang En! Yong Zi! Adrian! Katrina! Niklas! Jane! Irvin! Chia Ming! Kai Herng! Jaime! Sean! Benjamin! Shir Li! Andrew! Jin Rong! Miao Jing! Soon Huat!

Monday, 20 August 2007

Teachers' Day Gifts

(Pls correct title if the apostrophe is in the wrong place ^^)

Shall we:
1) get them individually?
2) get the reps to get them.
3) go as a class to buy them.

General consensus would most likely be #2, from what I think. But I shall leave things open.

Oh, if #2 is decided on, can somebody suggest a gift for Ms Kwee?

Okay put it this way, use the comments section in this post to discuss the possible gifts for the teachers.

Argh in the background is the TV with the 'the usual?' advertisement. Please don't post 'the usual'. Haha :D

Edit: Can discuss about outing this/ next friday as well :)
1) Kbox ('cept nik haha)
2) 881? Lol. Not interactive ><
3) Go someone's house (would your parents mind? Mine would scream about the upcoming As, but well...)
4) Pool/ LAN/ Bowling
5) Mugging retreat (EEK)


  1. alvin9:10 pm

    let the stp outing to library come true! HA. ok i choose 1, 4 (without lan).


  2. Yong Zi10:15 pm

    2 for presents
    1 and 2 for outing

  3. zefnar335:32 pm

    I choose 1 for outing. lol anw any suggestions on what to buy for miss lin?


  4. 1 for outing! 2 for presents haha. andrew's turn tis yr cuz i got the last one =P

  5. Oh really? Since you evidently have such great expertise in choosing excellent presents (and of course, the real priority is to ensure that the teachers get good presents, and not trivial issues like fairness), you should do it again. =p

  6. Stay in sch and play random games until we get chased out :p


